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Picture of Natasha Durel
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follow along my personal journey 

My Promise Around Growth

Besides work, I love to share different sides to who I am. I share my obstacles, ways of learning, and commitment to personal development. I also share more light-hearted and creative sides of my personality. I also love to bring awareness and share interactive ways to get involved from petitions to mutual aid efforts and hands-on outreach. I am committed to truth, breaking-bread efforts and debate with the goal to learn rather than be right. Creatively, I am passionate about music and videography and love to work on that regularly.


My commitment to myself includes staying authentic in my voice, leaning into my discomfort, and showing up for the journey. This commitment also means allowing my work to change with me.  I hold myself to that same growth and  commitment that I offer for my consulting and coaching clients.



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"I love the support that I get. It has helped me get through some tough times. I felt an instant connection and felt comfortable opening up about myself."


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